Event Chairs & Committee


Wendy & Robert Federman

Benjamin Goldenberg

Vice Chairs

Ellen & Daniel Crown, Red Crown Productions

Brad Fiedler, Insight Partners

Sandra & Jeffrey Justin

Carol & David Slotnick

Emilia Slotnick

AJ Vaynerchuk, Co-Founder, VaynerSports and VaynerMedia


Lindsay Brandes, Mercer Street Hospitality

Cole Charnas

Joan Falk

Heather Federman

Kate Goldenberg

Alexis Kleinstein

Robert Morris, Rampart Insurance

James Moye, Event Producer

Carole Ostroff

Pamela Reis & Kevin Hyman

William Rose, UBS

Joan & Steven Rosenfeld

Benjamin Schultz, Redesign Health

Taylor Skye, Taylor Skye Flowers

Jeffrey Ward, Savvy Navigator

Peter Yawitz, Event Producer

Thank you to our generous supporters

leadership chair

Toby & Leon Cooperman

Rochelle & David Hirsch 

Carole Ostroff 

Lauren & Joseph Pizza


vice chair

Jill & Robert Hoberman

Susan & Michal Kerr 

Iris & Michael Smith

Executive committee

Sandra & Jeffrey Justin

Marcia & Richard Mishaan

Bonnie & Andrew Stern

Carol Phethean & Peter Yawitz

Michael Klein & Jeffrey Ward

Benefit committee

Joan & Steve Rosenfeld


Jordy & Cole Charnas

Catherine & Christopher Eby

Joan Falk

Elizabeth Heck

Warren Heck

The Orentreich Family Foundation

Maria & Nick Rentas
